
Winter Classes with Washington County Master Gardeners

Join us for free classes presented by the Washington County Master Gardeners in partnership with River Market Community Co-op!

Successful Home Composting

Monday, March 10 at 6:00 pm

Composting is a process that converts plant material such as grass clippings and leaves to a more usable organic soil amendment or mulch.  Many homeowners find it convenient and economical to compost leaves and grass clippings in their own backyards.  Learn how to build and successfully maintain a compost pile, as well as how to use the compost in your yard and garden.

This class is taught by Kim Dupre from the Washington County Master Gardeners.

Prairie 101

This class provides do-it-yourself instruction for anyone interested in creating a prairie; a natural landscape utilizing native grasses and flowers. No matter what size prairie you are interested in; from acreage to small plot, this class covers all steps of planning and preparation as well as maintenance to ensure your creation continues to thrive for years to come. The class also provides information about plants and which ones could be considered, or perhaps avoided, based on the desired outcome,

This class is taught by Paul Spilseth from the Washington County Master Gardeners.